Jokes - Dirty And Sexy - Nude - 20

wave Virtual fun

Random joke:

I failed my driving test for the fourth time today…
…or as the Police prefer to call it… The “Breathalyser”.share

Keyword:: GO

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As a parting shot, my ex-girlfriend said
"Just think, you'll never see this body naked again"
"Fair enough" I said, "I'll bare it in mind"share

My mum has been nagging at me to fix the water heater for weeks.

I'll have to do it soon, she's starting to realise how much I love showering with her.share

Walking to the shop and getting there only to know you've forgotten something is an everyday thing, and the shop staff humour me and laugh along.
The judge was not so understanding and said that public nudity will not be tolerated.share

Im the type of person who could make a whole room full of people laugh.

Thats if I could get over my fear of been naked in public.share

I've got a job as a stripper, it's money for nothing really.

I barely work for my cash.share

Sometimes I wish I could wear the pants in the house but we're nudists.share

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