Jokes - Sayings And Words - School - 6

wave Virtual fun

Random joke:

Don’t push me cause i’m close to the edge…
But I’m not too keen on Bono.share

Keyword:: GO

from 51 to 60 of 242

Just saw the latest dyslexia figures for the UK.
They made for difficult reading.share

My results today reflect my mood for the future

I remember at a parents evening, my head of year told my parents my future was going places.
The asked: “Like what? Scientist? Teacher?”
He replied: “No, he’s going to be a travel agent”.share

I’m too cool for school…
Too old as well according to the police…share

In the news today apparently 50% of England”s schools are not teaching mathematics well enough, Doesn”t sound that bad to me, still less than a quarter.share

Would you send your son to a school run by someone who insisted on being called “Headmaster?”share

My history teacher asked me if I ever thought about the present or the past.
I said “Now & then”share

My son goes to school with a boy called Ryan O’Reilly. One day he came home and said, “Dad, you know Ryan O’Reilly? Well, his name is actually ‘Ryan…O…Reilly’!”
“Uh, yeah,” I said. “What did you think it was?”
“I’ve been calling him ‘Rhino’.”share

Like many people, I had no idea what to do after I left school.
But after thinking about it for a while, I decided to go home.share

What’s the difference between a nightclub bouncer and Derby University?
A nightclub bouncer won’t let you in if you’ve got a few Es!share

from 51 to 60 of 242

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