Jokes - Sayings And Words - Definitions

wave Virtual fun

Random joke:

My boss wanted going to create a new company to see how easy it is to develop a business these days. The company didn’t actually have a purpose.
We were discussing a name for the company, and I said, “Let’s name it sphere.”
My boss said, “Why?”
I replied, “Because it has no point”
I got fired.share

Keyword:: GO

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when someone stops you in the street for directions an you end up walking the same way next to each othershare

What’s the definition of ironic?
Putting a Crimestoppers advert on Sickipedia.share

The definition of irony: Supernanny Jo Frost giving weight loss tips to parents about their kids.share

What’s the definition of gross?
When you go down on a pregnant woman and something grabs your tongue.share

what’s a sheep’s definition of pain?
A black welshmanshare

A badly timed high five is just a slap in the face.share

What’s the definition of a gentleman?
Someone who can play the bagpipes, but doesn’t.share

Forward slash (adj) – giving directions to the guns n roses guitarist.share

Pencils: for people who plan on making mistakes.share

Definition of Idiotic: A person who pays full price for a sofa.share

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