Jokes - Sayings And Words - Definitions - 3

wave Virtual fun

Random joke:

Guy: Can I buy you a drink?
Girl: Sorry, but alcohol is bad for my legs.
Guy: Do they swell?
Girl: No. They spread.share

Keyword:: GO

from 21 to 30 of 116

Women are like a fine wine: when drunk, they are fantastic.share

A pedantic horse trots into a bar…share

I looked up “redirect” in the dictionary.
It read, “See divert”.share

I finally took my daughter’s advice and read the dictionary today, apparently no really does mean no.share

“Gynaecologist” – A crack investigator.share

Free press:
When your mum irons your trousers for you.share

What is a cloak?
The mating call of a Chinese toad.share

We’re not racist, we’re ethno-differentialist.share

What’s the definition of irritating?
**Complete this quick online survey to unlock the answer!**share

If I were to make money out of thin air, it’d be fraud. If a bank does it, it’s “credit”share

from 21 to 30 of 116

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