Jokes - Sayings And Words - Definitions - 2

wave Virtual fun

Random joke:

My nan doesn’t like it when I kick the back of her chair really hard.
She goes off her rocker.share

Keyword:: GO

from 11 to 20 of 116

What would you call the definition of surprise?
Answer: A fart with a lump in it.share

A new definition for Pole Position:
Lying in the trees at the end of the track.share

8.7328917415… The cube root of all evil…share

I have two pet hates.
Much more fun than having a cat or a dogshare

Bridegroom. noun. A man with a fine prospect of happiness behind him.share

Anorexia- Making meals out of nothingshare

Miser. A hard person to live with, but makes a fine ancestor.share

What do you call a woman who has been mauled on the side of her head by a cat ?

I suffer from aibohphobia-the fear of palindromes.share

Gastronomy is the science of using a telescope to watch fat people eating.share

from 11 to 20 of 116

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