Jokes - Dirty And Sexy - Nude - 9

wave Virtual fun

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I bought my Latin American manager a Vauxhall.
I got my boss a Nova.share

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I woke up this morning and there was a feminists march parading past my house. I went out to the balcony to cheer them on, only to be met by a torrent of disapproving jeers and angry looks.

I thought to myself. "Fuck 'em. I'm not standing here taking this."

So I went back in and got dressed.share

A total naked woman rushed in a taxi. The taxi driver turned back and stared at her so keenly. The woman asked the taxi driver, Why are you staring at me that way, havent you ever seen a naked woman? The taxi driver replied, No, I just wonder where you have my money.share

An old man has owned a parrot for close to 40 years. They are both nearing the end of their lives.
One day, the parrot says to the man: "Old friend, I've known you since I hatched. Before I die, there is one thing I'd like to do."
The old man says "Of course old friend, anything."
The parrot replies: "Well, I've spent my entire life in this cage. Before I die, I would like to have sex just once."
The old man agrees without hesitation, and

Reveal the rest of this jokeAn old man has owned a parrot for close to 40 years. They are both nearing the end of their lives.
One day, the parrot says to the man: "Old friend, I've known you since I hatched. Before I die, there is one thing I'd like to do."
The old man says "Of course old friend, anything."
The parrot replies: "Well, I've spent my entire life in this cage. Before I die, I would like to have sex just once."
The old man agrees without hesitation, and puts the parrot into its cage. They go to the pet shop to try and find a nice female bird for the old parrot. They enter and explain the situation to the sales assistant, who informs them that their cheapest bird is £250.
The old man only had £40 to his name, and began to leave dejected. The sympathetic shop owner calls them back and allows them to hire a parrot for the night for £40.

That evening, the old man leaves the two parrots alone in a room and lets them do their thing. A few second after he leaves, he hears a dreadful squawking noise. He rushes in to find out what all the commotion was. There are feathers everywhere. He asks his parrot "Old friend, what on earth is going on? The parrot stops ripping out the female birds feathers to say:

"If you paid £40 for this bird, I at least get to see her naked."share

I went on an internet forum for nudists.

There were no threads.share

It always feels liberating, walking around the home nude.

Particularly when you're the only member of staff on nights at the orphanage.share

I stood at the edge of the nudist beach today , and told my girlfriend I felt really nervous.

But she said I'd be fine , so long as I didn't look down.share

I've just been told I look good naked.

My Nan is so kind.share

My wife said I need to spend more time with my daughter, perhaps the nudist beach wasn't quite what she had in mindshare

Nudists need to be exposed for what they are.share

I was laid on the beach today, looking up at the clouds. I saw what 'appeared to be' a massive cock...

...then it struck me. I was on a nudist beach.share

from 81 to 90 of 196

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