Jokes - - 2

wave Virtual fun

Random joke:

Imagine how much money you would save if you were the sample photo guy in picture frames!share

Keyword:: GO

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I was late for one of my lectures at university the other day. Upon walking in, the lecturer stopped and stared at me and said disdainfully, ‘Come on then, go and sit with your friends’.
So I went back home.share

everythings all gonna be ok in the end,, if its not ok,, ITS NOT THE ENDshare

I gave my crazy little reptile some Prozac the other nite.
Now he’s a calmer Chameleon.share

My Wife got our son a Dalmatian puppy for his birthday.
It has been yapping for a week and keeping me up at night.
so I kicked it across the room.
….That hit the spot.share

Isn’t it great when you gob on the beach? It just turns into a Haribo sweet.share

My wife said to me, “I’m sick of you being very immature. Any more of it and I’m leaving you.”
I said, “I’m sorry.”
She said, “Well at least you apologised.”
I said, “No, I just farted, hehe.”share

I saw a lorry turned over and ablaze today. The driver was trapped in the cab and as flames began to lick at his feet, he screamed, “Quick, there’s an extinguisher in the back.”
As I walked away with it I thought, “What a generous bloke.”share

Did anyone else notice how Americium is one of the densest elements on the periodic table?share

I took a photo of the thing I use to play my guitar.
It was a lovely pic.share

I came in from work earlier to see my son crying on the stairs in hysterics. “What’s wrong matey?” I asked him.
“Daddy, I’m having trouble with the girls at school!” he cried.
I thought it was time…I gave him the inevitable talk about ‘the birds and the bees’ and he sat there and listened.
When I was done he paused…”That’s fine daddy but it’s not that. They wont let me play with their barbies at lunch time and said my legs are too hairy to wear a skirt.”
He lives with his uncle now.share

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