Jokes - Dirty And Sexy - Nude - 3

wave Virtual fun

Random joke:

My friends and I were Goths in high school. During lunch we’d sit by ourselves and plot a defense against the invading Hunnic Empire.share

Keyword:: GO

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A couple goes to an art gallery. They find a picture of a naked women with only her privates covered with leaves. The wife doesn't like it and moves on but the huband keeps looking.
The wife asks, "What are you waiting for?"
The husband replies, "Autumn."share

I said to my mate, "I got home from the pub last night and my wife was asleep, so I took a really sexy naked photo, do you want to see it?"

"Yeah" he smiled.

I showed him my phone and he said, "Hang on a minute! That's a picture of you."

I said, "I know, what do you think?"share

Once I posed naked for a Magazine

but I think the Newsagent would have preferred moneyshare

Walking round the house naked is all fun and games until you remember your Nan is visiting for the weekend.

It's even worse when she's had the same idea.share

My boss told me today that it was important to have a competitive streak.

So I got naked and challenged him to a race around the office.share

I went to the nude gallery at an art exhibition yesterday and, I tell you what, I've never blushed so much in my whole life.

Everyone else was wearing fucking clothes.share

The postman knocked on my door when I was in the bath, so I rushed down the stairs and opened the door.

"You should really put some clothes on."

"I know, but this job gets really boring," he replied.share

I saw my daughter naked last night and she ran away from home.

But seriously, what a pussy.share

I went on holiday to Sweden and visited the Sauna. Anyway, I wasn't expecting this but it was actually a mixed sauna - males and females - so it was full of all these nice blonde Swedish girls. Being British, I didn't know how to react except sit there for a while and then leave politely. Looking back, that was the most embarassing 19 hours of my life.share

I was painting a nude model yesterday when she said she was cold.
So I added another coat.share

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